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Training for new employees on Energy Trust incentives and specifications

Did you know that Energy Trust offers free monthly orientations for trade allies who are new to our programs? Orientations cover residential incentives, the application process, star ratings, how to find help, Energy Trust installation specifications and more.

Whether you’re a new trade ally or have new staff on your team, orientations are a great way to learn about all the incentives and benefits available.

  • Existing Homes Trade Ally Orientation—Part 1
    This training covers helpful program information for business owners, administrative staff, sales staff and all employees.
  • Existing Homes Trade Ally Orientation—Part 2
    This technical training provides a detailed overview of the Existing Homes Specifications Manual for owners, sales staff, technicians, installers and all employees. The course is eligible for 2.0 BPI continuing education units (CEUs).

Check the Energy Trust Training and Events Calendar for upcoming training opportunities and to register staff online.