EPS New Construction

Stand out on home tours with energy efficiency and EPS

Home tours give savvy homebuyers an opportunity to see examples of new home designs, emerging style trends and a firsthand look at energy-efficient home design. If your energy-efficient homes will be featured on a tour this year, use EPSTM to highlight their advantages and benefits to potential buyers—Energy efficiency could be the distinctive attribute that makes your homes stand out from the rest.

Energy Trust’s EPS is an energy performance scoring tool that gives builders, real estate agents and homebuyers an easy way to discuss how efficiently a newly built home uses energy. EPS eliminates the guesswork and gives homebuyers an idea of monthly energy costs and a way to compare homes they’re most interested in. It’s also a great tool for understanding the environmental impact of the house and its carbon footprint.

There are plenty of ways builders and real estate agents can leverage EPS on home tours. First, learn the benefits of EPS and the best ways to discuss ratings with buyers. When you’re ready to list a house in RMLS, include EPS in the “amenities supplement” of the listing to showcase its impressive energy efficiency score. In the “public remarks” section, provide a link to Energy Trust’s EPS page (www.energytrust.org/eps) to offer additional information for interested buyers.

You can also access marketing collateral from Energy Trust, including brochures, yard signs and webpages, to help buyers understand how an EPS home compares to a home built to code. Arrange to have these resources on hand prior to the home tour, making it easy to discuss EPS.

Gain an advantage with Energy Trust and EPS
Energy Trust offers resources and trainings to help builders and real estate agents highlight EPS homes. You can learn more about becoming an Energy Trust trade or real estate ally at www.energytrust.org/epsforallies or by calling the trade ally coordinator at 1.877.283.0698.