For Verifiers
For EPS New Construction
Third-party verifiers play an important role for EPS™ New Construction. Become an approved trade ally verifier and you’ll help ensure the effectiveness and quality of energy-efficient measures by inspecting homes for program requirements and building components, and by performing infiltration testing, duct leakage testing and energy modeling. You’ll work with builders to provide technical guidance and issue an EPS to qualified new home construction projects.
For questions about becoming a verifier, contact the trade ally coordinator via email, or phone at 1.877.283.0698.
Benefits for Verifiers
Become an Energy Trust trade ally verifier and access the following:
- EPS verification incentives up to $670 per home in Oregon
- An additional $250 incentive for homes that qualify as affordable or rural, or if the verifier is registered with the Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (Oregon only)
- Increased business leads from your listing on our website as an approved verifier
- Technical support for questions regarding program requirements and energy-efficient building practices, plus on-site training
Verifier Enrollment
Approved verifiers must be contractors who are RESNET® raters, RESNET Rating Field Inspectors, or BPI analysts. A RESNET or BPI designation is required to perform diagnostic testing and to prove proficiency in building science.
Once you meet these qualifications, complete the following steps:
- Complete our online application to add your name to Energy Trust website and list of approved verifiers
- Complete the Faxable Request Form for Certificate of Insurance to authorize Energy Trust to pay you cash incentives
- Contact the EPS New Construction trade ally coordinator
We will review your application after you submit all the required materials. Once approved, you will receive a letter confirming your trade ally enrollment and one printed copy of the EPS Field Guide. You will also be listed on our website as an approved verifier.
Before starting any verification work with a builder, you must complete all the steps above and go through the program’s verifier onboarding process. For assistance, please contact the trade ally coordinator via email, or phone at 1.877.283.0698.
Equipment Incentives
Receive cash incentives for equipment purchases, such as duct blasters or blower doors. For equipment details and pricing, view the most recent Energy Conservatory equipment price list or the Retrotec equipment order form.
Complete the Energy Conservatory equipment order form or the Retrotec equipment order form, listing the address of the first home to be tested with your new equipment, and submit it to with your purchase receipt to receive your incentive.
EPS Modeling Requirements
Licensing of REM/Rate™ is currently restricted to RESNET® accredited HERS Index Score providers. However, all HERS rating providers throughout the country can sublicense REM/Rate to raters working within home energy certification and scoring programs. For more information on becoming an accredited HERS provider, or to find an existing HERS provider who can help you become a certified HERS rater and sublicense REM/Rate to you, visit RESNET.
Energy modeling provides verifiers with performance results specific to each EPS home. Verifiers can give their builders an in-depth assessment of the home while it is still under construction, providing a valuable service to their clients.
To get started with home modeling, follow these simple steps:
- Visit RESNET to find a provider who can sublicense REM/Rate to your business.
- Download the program approved version of REM/Rate.
- Request access to the EPS modeling training by contacting the trade ally coordinator. Complete and pass the training to become an eligible EPS modeler.
- Schedule an individual training with EPS New Construction to go over modeling guidelines.