
Solar Program Guide updated with new guidelines

Energy Trust updates its Solar Program Guide on a biannual basis. This summer’s updates include updated income guidelines for Solar Within Reach and Income-Qualified Battery Storage, as well as updated Solar Development Assistance guidelines. 

Income guidelines 

Income guidelines have increased this year and are listed by household size in the table below. Income includes all gross wages, tips, rental income, public assistance, social security or pensions, income from self-employment, alimony, interest or any other sources of income defined by the IRS income tax return for the previous tax year.  

Household size Annual income maximum* 
1 person $66,854  
2 people $87,424  
3 people $107,994  
4 people $128,564  
5 people $149,134  
6 people $169,704  
7 people $173,562  
8 people $177,418  

If you have an existing application in PowerClerk that would now qualify for a Solar Within Reach incentive, its status has progressed no further than “funds reserved”, and no material changes have been made to the site, please reach out to with a signed income attestation letter and reapply for the Solar Within Reach incentive.  

Solar Development Assistance Eligibility 

Additionally, SDA project eligibility has been expanded to include non-roof-mounted solar projects to respond to the expanding number of scenarios in which solar is being employed. For more information on Solar Development Assistance and Battery Storage Development Assistance, please refer to Section 4.4 of the Solar Program Guide. 

If you have questions about a customer’s eligibility, reach out to Please refer to the Solar Status Report for the most up-to-date Solar Within Reach and Income-Qualified Battery Storage incentive rates.