EPS New Construction

Updated EPS Field Guide outlines your path to efficient home building incentives

NH_Insider_Feb16Energy Trust updated its EPS Field Guide to help you better understand EPSTM requirements and earn a score, plus cash incentives, for your homes.

With the EPS Field Guide, you can see exactly what it takes to build an EPS home and stand out in the market. The new and improved guide provides comprehensive details on all EPS requirements, along with best practices and recommendations that outline the path to greater home energy performance.

The EPS Field Guide now clearly distinguishes requirements from recommendations, and a new index makes it even easier to confirm that your homes qualify. Currently there are 13 main EPS requirements, though not all apply to every project.

The 2016 guide also lists new requirements for the air barrier and air sealing checklists, recently developed by Energy Trust’s New Homes program specifically for EPS. Other enhancements include technical illustrations and photographs highlighting insulated headers and options for insulating slab foundations, plus requirements on how builders in Southwest Washington can also earn an EPS for qualified homes.

Click here to download your free copy of the EPS Field Guide. You’ll also find links to online trainings that cover specific EPS requirements and with other helpful resources. For more information, contact the New Homes trade ally coordinator at 1.877.283.0698.