Reminder: Existing Multifamily incentive changes effective as of July 1, 2015

Effective July 1, 2015, Energy Trust modified certain incentives and introduced a new incentive for Existing Multifamily customers. These incentive changes are intended to help trade allies promote energy-efficiency upgrades to customers, and are not related to recent Oregon Public Utility Commission decisions impacting some Existing Homes natural gas efficiency measures. Updated forms and new incentive applications are now available.

Existing Multifamily incentives on July 1, 2015

MeasureRequirements as of July 1, 2015Incentive amount as of July 1, 2015
New measure
High-efficiency direct vent gas fireplaceMust be 70% FE or greater, have an intermittent pilot ignition and be on Energy Trust’s qualified models list.

Side-by-side attached dwelling units are eligible; stacked dwelling units are not eligible.
$250 per unit for FE 70% - 74.9%

$350 per unit for FE 75% or greater
Existing measures
Gas furnace90% AFUE or greater
To qualify, furnaces must be used as primary heat source, not as backup for a heat pump.
$300 per unit (increased from $150)

New $50 SPIF
Recirculation pump
(Previously named demand control system for domestic hot water recirculation)
Install controls to turn the pump off when return temperature reaches 105°F and when the return temperature falls to 100°F.

To qualify, a building must have three or more levels (excluding basement), one primary recirculation loop, no existing recirculation pump controls and gas-heated water.
Maintain current incentive of $420 per unit

New $80 SPIF

For more information about incentive changes and effective dates, contact Ruba Abdelal, trade ally coordinator, at 503.720.5462. If your customers are seeking more information about incentives, direct them to Energy Trust at 1.866.368.7878.