EPS New Construction

Reminder: Oregon EPS incentive changes effective January 1, 2017

In 2017, incentives for EPSTM homes will be slightly reduced compared to 2016 incentives. Projects that receive final verification and are uploaded to the program database by the verifier by January 11, 2017 will be eligible for 2016 EPS incentives.

 Performance above code2016 incentives2017 incentives
Average EPS home22%$1,525$1,455*
Maximum 40% or greater$5,000 $4,680*

*Solar ready homes can qualify for an additional incentive of up to $200. Talk to your verifier for more information.

Incentives are based on improvements to a home’s annual energy use over minimum code requirements, as demonstrated by energy modeling. Incentives are available on a sliding scale of performance above code, starting at 10 percent above code. Incentives will vary depending on energy-efficiency improvements and performance above code.

Additional incentives for energy-saving equipment are available, although incentives for air sealing will no longer be offered in 2017.

For more information, contact your verifier or the New Homes trade ally coordinator.