EPS New Construction

Plan ahead with a scope of work that includes energy-efficiency requirements

To reach a higher level of quality, comfort and home efficiency, setting clear expectations for subcontractors is essential. The scope of work provides an important platform to outline expectations not only for subcontractors, but also for the equipment going into your homes, and it’s especially helpful when pursuing an EPSTM.

Brought to you by Energy Trust of Oregon, EPS is a scoring system that measures home energy performance and highlights the special features that distinguish energy-efficient homes. By detailing efficiency requirements in the scope of work, you can provide subcontractors with a clear understanding of what it takes to achieve targets to meet EPS requirements and assign accountability.

The scope of work is also a perfect opportunity to identify roles and responsibilities. It can be challenging to track compliance across multiple projects, neighborhoods and subcontractors, and certain aspects of energy-efficient building may be new to some workers. For example, you can identify which subcontractor is expected to seal penetrations related to plumbing or HVAC work, or assign a fireplace installer or insulator/air sealer to ensure proper sealing at the egress of an exhaust flue. Similarly, spot ventilation, whole-house ventilation and sone specification requirements should be clearly stated.

Beyond the scope of work, it’s also beneficial for the architect or designer to specify efficiency requirements on the design plans to best achieve energy goals.

For more information and a complete list of EPS requirements that can be included in your scope of work, talk to a verifier or contact the New Homes trade ally coordinator at 1.877.283.0698.