EPS New Construction

Trade Ally Forum materials now available online

Energy Trust rolled out newly reformatted Trade Ally Forums in April in Portland, Central Point and Bend. The new Biannual Trade Ally Forums replaced the former Trade Ally Roundtables and offer more opportunities for networking, meeting with Energy Trust staff and vendors and small group conversations to discuss program updates and provide training.

The new forums were developed with the goal of hearing from trade allies and providing more relevant, valuable discussions, without losing sight of everyone’s busy schedules. They included improvements like additional vendor exhibits, training on EPSTM and solar installations for non-solar contractors, opportunities and resources, updates from key Energy Trust and Oregon Department of Energy staff and a recap of 2014 results and 2015 plans. Trade allies who couldn’t attend also had the option of joining online via webinar.

Forums presentations are available online at the Biannual Trade Ally Forum page.

The next trade ally forums will take place in early December 2015. We welcome your suggestions for discussion or training topics. Email suggestions and feedback to Tom Beverly, Energy Trust Trade Ally Network manager.