EPS New Construction

Include energy-efficiency requirements in your scope of work

Setting clear expectations for subcontractors is essential to ensure quality, comfort and home efficiency. The scope of work is an important platform to outline expectations, and it’s especially helpful when pursuing an EPSTM. By detailing efficiency requirements in the scope of work, builders can provide subcontractors with clear information about what it takes to achieve a target EPS and who’s accountable.

It can be challenging to track compliance across multiple projects, neighborhoods and subcontractors, and certain aspects of energy-efficient building may be new to some subcontractors. Because standards can vary, it’s important for each scope of work to include specific to EPS requirements.

Clear guidance is especially critical for problem areas of construction. For example, it’s a good idea to identify which subcontractor is expected to seal penetrations related to plumbing or HVAC work. It’s also good to assign the task of air sealing at the egress of an exhaust flue to a specific contractor, such as the fireplace installer or the insulator/air sealer. Similarly, spot ventilation, whole-house ventilation and sone requirements should be clearly stated.

Beyond the scope of work, specify efficiency requirements on the design plans and in accompanying notes. Projects are often more successful when an architect or designer outlines these details.

For more information and a complete list of EPS requirements that can be copied to a home’s scope of work, speak with a verifier, download the EPS Field Guide or contact an Energy Trust trade ally coordinator at 1.877.283.0698.