
Oregon Public Utility Commission second draft report on solar incentive programs available

The Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) has published a second draft report on the effectiveness of solar incentive programs in Oregon. The report is part of Docket No. UM 1758, which was opened by the OPUC in response to the Oregon legislature requiring the commission evaluate Oregon programs that incentivize the development and use of solar energy. The draft report recommends modifications to several programs, including Energy Trust of Oregon’s solar incentive program.

The schedule for the development, public review and delivery of the report to the state legislature has been extended since the original schedule published in August.

The second draft report is open for public comment until September 30. A public meeting with the OPUC commissioners is scheduled for September 19 to allow stakeholders an opportunity to comment on the second draft of the report. The OPUC will make its final decision regarding the report and its recommendations at a public meeting on October 19. The final report will be delivered by the OPUC to the legislature by October 28.

Once the final report has been delivered to the legislature, we will begin working with the OPUC to understand what, if any, impact their recommendations may have on our programs.

If you have questions or comments related to the report, please direct them to OPUC staff. Contact information and public meeting details are listed on the OPUC’s UM 1758 docket web page.