Network News

January 2021 incentive updates at-a-glance

At the beginning of each year, Energy Trust of Oregon updates incentives to ensure we provide cost-effective energy savings for customers and trade allies. Unless otherwise noted below, the following changes went into effect on January 1, 2021.

The following incentive updates are broken out by Energy Trust program. Incentives which do not appear in the tables below remain unchanged from previous levels. Changes noted for one program do not affect incentive levels in other Energy Trust programs.

Home Retrofit

Home Retrofit incentive tables can be found in the December 2020 edition of Insider.

EPS™ New Construction

While there are no immediate changes to EPS New Construction at the beginning of 2021, we do have recent offerings to highlight that are available now, plus some updates expected later in the year.

Current offerings

Whole Home incentives
Energy Trust issues new construction incentives to builders and verifiers based on how well their homes perform compared to typical newly built homes in Oregon and Washington. View the incentive overview sheets for current incentives available in Oregon and Washington.

Incentives for solar ready, net zero and energy smart homes
Beyond the whole home incentive, builders can also layer additional incentives when they include solar ready, net zero and/or energy smart home features –– such as designing for future solar, electric vehicles or battery storage, and installing solar panels.

Coming soon

Watch for offerings for builders in Washington later in 2021, as the program transitions to the new Washington State Energy Code.

You can find updated forms and resources on Insider.

If you have questions email us or call the Trade Ally Hotline at 1.877.238.0698.

New Buildings

New Buildings incentive tables can be found in the December 2020 edition of Insider.

Existing Buildings–Oregon

Existing Buildings incentive tables can be found in the December 2020 edition of Insider.

Existing Buildings–SW Washington

Commercial incentive tables for NW Natural customers in Southwest Washington can be found in the December 2020 edition of Insider.

Existing and New Multifamily–SW Washington

Existing and New Multifamily incentive tables for NW Natural customers in Southwest Washington can be found in the December 2020 edition of Insider.

If you have questions about incentives or enrollment for a specific Energy Trust program, please use the ‘contact us’ link in Insider to find your trade ally coordinator. You can also call us at 1.866.368.7878 for assistance.