Existing Multifamily

Statewide marketing campaign and support for your marketing efforts

From June through September 2015, Energy Trust will run a statewide advertising campaign, My Business, to promote energy-efficiency solutions to facility managers, building owners and business decision-makers. The campaign uses lighting as a hook to connect customers to trade allies. Once connected, trade allies can then help customers learn more about other Energy Trust incentives and services.

Trade allies can sign up as campaign allies to leverage this advertising campaign to attract customers and receive additional benefits.

Trade allies who sign up as campaign allies can receive:

  • Cooperative marketing reimbursement for up to 50 percent of marketing costs when company logo and contact information are included in campaign advertising.
  • Annual cooperative marketing fund cap increased from $8,000 to $15,000.
  • Your business name included as a campaign ally on Energy Trust’s My Business website.

Campaign allies who purchase print, online or radio advertising can receive:

  • Access to advertising materials developed by Energy Trust’s advertising agency
  • A custom My Business campaign website branded for your company
  • A pre-screened list of media outlets, with advertising tips and pre-determined ad sizing
  • The option to receive early payment of Energy Trust cooperative marketing funds

To become a campaign ally, your company must be an approved Energy Trust trade ally in good standing. Already, 50 trade allies have signed up to participate in the My Business campaign.

For more information and to become a campaign ally, contact Ruba Abdelal, trade ally coordinator.