
New research on district systems for equity-centered development

Join us on June 13 for a webinar presentation from our Net Zero Fellow Anyeley Hallová as she shares her research on district systems for equity-centered real estate development.

The Williams & Russell site is a 1.7-acre city block in the heart of Portland’s Albina neighborhood. All structures on site were demolished for a planned expansion that was never realized.

Through the Williams & Russell Project, Anyeley and her company Adre explored opportunities for district energy, water and waste systems to bring economic, resilience and environmental benefits to historically underinvested communities. Williams & Russell will provide housing, homeownership and a hub for Black businesses at a site that was once the heart of Portland’s thriving African American community. The research includes analysis of multiple strategies, including a microgrid, with lessons learned for other district-scale projects and buildings.

Adre led the research in partnership with PAE Engineering, Biohabitats and LEVER Architecture with funding from Energy Trust’s Net Zero Fellowship.

Register for the webinar.

If you have questions about this webinar or Energy Trust New Buildings, please contact Kriya Kaping, market outreach manager, at 202.538.0530.