EPS New Construction

New Business Development Fund resources now available

Energy Trust has created a suite of ready-made marketing materials to help trade ally builders promote EPSTM rated homes and their many benefits. These materials are a great way to showcase the added quality, comfort and efficiency built into your homes. By using these materials, you’ll also receive business development funds for helping to promote EPS.

Access the marketing materials and find out how much you could receive at the Business Development Funds page. There, you’ll find:

  • An EPS web tout to add to your website
  • Web page content detailing the benefits of EPS rated homes
  • Outdoor subdivision signs promoting EPS
  • Details on our model home listing offer and other opportunities

We hope these materials make it easy to market your homes. Remember, you can still create and send in your own marketing materials for approval and funding.

For more information, contact the New Homes team at 1.877.283.0698.