Existing Buildings

Thank you to Dick Tarr, Reitmeier

Existing Buildings would like to recognize one of its trade allies who retired in October 2016. Existing Buildings Insider Photo - Dick Tarr Retirement Award

“Dick Tarr, Reitmeier, was easily one of the nicest trade allies that Existing Buildings had the pleasure of working with over the past three years,” said Nick Dreves, trade ally manager, Existing Buildings. “In his time at Reitmeier, Dick helped bring in millions of kilowatt hours and hundreds of thousands of therms to Energy Trust through projects with Existing Buildings. He was integral in helping Reitmeier become one of the Top Ten Trade Allies for 2015.”

Existing Buildings would like to take the opportunity to thank Dick for the professional relationship we’ve enjoyed over these years. We’d like to share our best wishes for him in the future.