EPS New Construction

Marketing Tip: Advertise with your CCB number

When advertising in the State of Oregon, contractors often overlook the requirement to include their Construction Contractors Board license number. Any time you advertise, bid or perform construction work in Oregon, your CCB license number must be displayed. This includes everything from contracts and business cards to radio ads and site signs.

Including your CCB number shows the consumer that you are a licensed, bonded and insured contractor able to perform construction work in Oregon. Consumers are also able to verify your license status using this number as part of their due diligence when hiring a contractor. Failing to provide a CCB number on all required materials may result in civil penalties.

Your CCB license number must be displayed on:

  • Company website
  • Radio, TV and online ads, including on Craigslist
  • Ads in newspapers, telephone books, direct mailers and event brochures
  • Business documents, including written bids, contracts, business letterhead and business cards
  • Vehicle signage, if your business name is displayed on your vehicle
  • Any temporary job site ad or yard sign showing your business name

Your CCB number is not required on:

  • Small promotional items such as pens, pencils and refrigerator magnets
  • Permanent signs mounted at your place of business