Existing Buildings

Limited time retrocommissioning incentives for Existing Buildings customers

Retrocommissioning, or RCx, incentives, calculated according to the 2016 custom incentive levels, are available for a limited time in 2016. RCx custom applications are due no later than April 30, 2016.

RCx is a systematic process for identifying less-than-optimal performance in a facility’s equipment, lighting and control systems and making the necessary adjustments. While retrofitting involves replacing outdated equipment, RCx focuses on improving the efficiency of what’s already in place. RCx also provides opportunities for energy savings in buildings that have had space, function and equipment alterations that impact operations, were never properly commissioned when constructed, and/or have operated for years without commissioning.

Participants must meet all eligibility requirements for Existing Buildings customers in Oregon and southwest Washington. Like all custom measures, energy analysis of the measures identified must be reviewed and approved prior to implementation. Projects are also subject to cost-effectiveness review. While typically buildings over 20,000 square feet are cost-effective for RCx, any eligible building may be qualified for RCx if the Existing Buildings team determines that the measures can be cost-effective.

Successful completion of an RCx project requires significant collaboration and communication between trade allies, customers and Energy Trust staff. There are additional important details regarding this offering, so contact your trade ally coordinator or account manager to learn more.

For more information, contact Nick Dreves, Existing Buildings trade ally coordinator, at 503.568.3324.