
How contractors can help avoid incentive application processing delays related to quality assurance

Energy Trust randomly selects projects to receive work quality verifications (WQVs), as stated in the 2023 Quality Management Policy. WQVs help assess installation standards, components and materials in projects applying for incentives. While helping ensure high standards, WQVs can also result in payment delays or repayment of instant incentives provided by trade allies for disqualified projects.

To avoid repayment concerns when projects are disqualified, Energy Trust will no longer fully process applications selected for WQVs until the verification and any corrective actions are completed. There are several steps trade allies can take to avoid WQV-related processing delays:

  • Inform customers that Energy Trust randomly selects projects for verification and ask them to reply to any WQV requests in a timely manner.
  • Review the 2023 Specifications Manual prior to installing energy-saving measures.
  • Schedule all required corrective action visits within five business days of notification.
  • Request a WQV with Energy Trust for the final installation day or site revisit.

Energy Trust makes every effort to avoid incentive processing delays, while ensuring projects meet energy-savings requirements. If you have questions about the work quality verification process, please contact the Home Retrofit team at residential@energytrust.org.