Get a preview of The EPS New Construction program for 2025

Earlier this year, Energy Trust shared anticipated changes in the upcoming 2023 Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) and announced that EPS New Construction will use the updated code as the baseline in 2025. This article explains logistics of that transition and what to expect in 2025.

EPS New Construction 2024/2025 timeline:

  • December 6, 2024 will be the last date to submit homes for review under the 2021 ORSC.
  • Throughout December 2024, program staff will review and process incentives for homes submitted prior to the deadline and using 2021 code.
  • In mid-January 2025, EPS New Construction will begin accepting new homes using the 2023 ORSC as baseline.

If you have a home that was permitted under the 2021 ORSC, be sure to work with your verifier to submit your home by December 6, 2024.

Program changes in 2025:

  • Due to stringency of the new code, the entry threshold for new homes will decrease from 10% above code to 5% above code.
  • Homes will still be eligible for bonus incentives for solar ready, net zero, EV ready/charger install, solar + storage ready, as well as homes that meet affordable, rural and/or tribal criteria.

The EPS New Construction team will hold a webinar for builders to learn about the 2025 program and ways to exceed code requirements later in 2024. Watch Insider for details and how to register.

If you have questions about the baseline transition, please reach out to