Energy Trust is offering the following bonus for qualifying foodservice equipment in assisted living/retirement and campus living/student housing properties. The bonus is available to eligible Oregon customers of NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas and Avista. Equipment must be installed and incentive application submitted before December 31, 2017. The combined incentive and bonus may not exceed equipment cost.
Use incentive application Form 320F for all foodservice equipment.
ENERGY STAR® Equipment | Estimated Average Savings | Standard Incentive | Bonus Incentive |
Gas convection oven | 302 therms each | $600 each | $400 each |
Gas combination oven | 290 therms each | $750 each | $250 each |
Gas fryer | 569 therms/vat | $800/vat | $300/vat |
Gas steam cooker | 1,308 therms each | $2,600 each | $900 each |
If you have questions about the gas foodservice equipment bonus, contact Nate Collins, trade ally coordinator, at 503.278.3075.