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Campaign ally: windows campaign

Man measuring windows with a tape measure in a home with a woman watching him.Energy Trust of Oregon is seeking applications from trade allies to participate in our next joint marketing campaign, promoting windows in Oregon and Southwest Washington.

This is a great opportunity to generate customer leads. Our marketing campaigns are designed to help you reach customers in targeted regions with specific home energy upgrades–while also helping Oregon reach energy savings goals. Participating campaign allies can receive:

  • Free marketing support that drives customers straight to your business
  • Ready-made content you can use to sell your expertise
  • Reimbursement for advertising and more

To apply, submit a Campaign Ally Application to campaignally@energytrust.org by May 15, 2019. The application is available on the campaign ally Insider page, along with more details about this opportunity. If you have questions about the marketing campaign, or signing up as a campaign ally, please email the campaign ally team.

Get more details on our upcoming windows campaign.