EPS New Construction

EPS™ gives real estate agents an edge

Today’s smart homebuyers know there are unseen factors that make a huge difference in how a home performs and consumes energy. Energy Trust of Oregon offers EPSTM as a way to look behind the walls to ensure energy efficiency comes into focus during the buying process.

EPS is an energy performance scoring tool that measures and compares home energy consumption. It benefits builders and buyers, and is also helpful to real estate agents looking to showcase the advantages of energy-efficient homes.

EPS homes feature:

  1. Efficient lighting and appliances—Every newly built EPS home includes energy-saving lighting solutions and efficient built-in appliances like dishwashers and water heaters.
  2. Efficient heating and cooling equipment—The equipment installed in EPS homes is designed to lower energy bills, enhance comfort and improve indoor air quality.
  3. High-performance windows—Well-sealed window frames help deflect heat in the summer and retain it in the winter. They also help make your home quieter by blocking outside noise.
  4. Quality assurance—Thorough testing ensures proper installation and completion of important behind-the-walls features like framing and insulation.
  5. Tight construction—Tight construction helps prevent unwanted pollutants and drafts.
  6. Sealed ductwork—Sealing all ductwork reduces leaks, minimizes potential moisture problems and promotes healthy indoor air.
  7. Mechanical ventilation systems—Mechanical ventilation systems bring fresh air into the home for healthier indoor air quality.

Energy Trust offers marketing materials and access to training resources to help real estate agents stand out from the competition by showcasing the best in energy-efficient EPS homes.

Click here to learn more or call the trade ally coordinator at 1.877.283.0698.