EPS New Construction

Furnace opportunity for innovative builders

Interested in trying the latest in cutting-edge furnace technology?

As part of its continuing efforts to help builders improve home efficiency, Energy Trust is studying the installation cost of certain Dettson furnaces and working with NW Natural to offer incentives and resources to participating builders.

Builders who install a furnace in Dettson’s Chinook family of low-capacity modulating furnaces in a new home can take part in the study to receive a minimum of $1,000, along with additional incentives for earning an EPSTM, an energy performance score from Energy Trust.

These furnaces offer the smallest footprint in the industry, using variable speed and modulation technology to deliver superior comfort, performance and energy savings. Since these systems allow ducts to be installed inside the conditioned space, builders can improve efficiency while avoiding the extra expense of framing changes.

This is a great opportunity to gain a competitive advantage by staying on the forefront of today’s energy-saving technologies.

If you are a builder or contractor interested in putting Dettson’s modulating furnaces to work for you, contact Energy Trust’s New Homes program at 1.877.283.0698.