
2023 Trade Ally Award Criteria

Energy Trust’s Business Lighting program wants to remind trade allies of the 2023 Trade Ally Award criteria outlined below. There are three main achievement categories in 2023: Program Enrollments, Energy Savings and New Trade Ally of the Year. Please note that this year’s tracking period began January 23, 2023, and will go through October 31, 2023. This means only projects submitted during these dates will count toward awards.

Program Enrollments

Energy Trust recognizes the invaluable role trade allies play in connecting the Business Lighting program to customers across our service territory and helping them complete energy saving projects. To highlight Business Lighting trade allies who promote Energy Trust’s goal of providing equitable service to all eligible customers, we have introduced new awards for trade allies who help expand our reach by bringing in the most first-time participants, as well as those completing the most projects in hard-to-reach rural areas. These awards apply to Business Lighting standard track (lighting tool) projects only.

Most new Energy Trust Business Lighting customers served 

One award will be given to the trade ally that completes the most lighting upgrades to customers who have not previously received Business Lighting Standard track incentives.

Most rural customers served

Three awards will be given to trade allies with the most projects in rural areas. The following cities do not qualify for the rural award: Albany, Aloha, Beaverton, Bend, Corvallis, Eugene, Gresham, Hillsboro, Medford, Portland, Salem, Springfield, and Tigard. All other addresses in cities not listed will be eligible.

Energy Savings

Energy Trust is committed to delivering as much energy savings as possible for utility customers, and this is reflected in our ongoing Business Lighting trade ally awards. Each year, we commend trade allies who contribute the highest levels of kWh savings.

Most kWh saved by region

The top 20 trade allies with the highest savings in the Business Lighting standard track will receive awards, with six spots reserved for those allies located in rural regions outside Portland Metro (Region 3) and Mid-Willamette (Region 4). Please note that savings are based on the trade ally’s main office location. Out-of-state allies and those with multiple locations will have their savings bundled and considered as Region 3 for analysis.

In addition to the 20 awards, trade allies could also receive honorable mentions in the following areas:

  • Most kWh savings from commercial projects
  • Most kWh savings from industrial customers (not including grow/indoor agriculture) 
  • Most kWh savings from grow/indoor agricultural customers

Business Lighting Instant Discount Distributors with the Most kWh Savings (New in 2023)

Following the addition of the instant discounts for Business Lighting offer, we are thrilled to announce a new award that will recognize trade ally distributors who help business customers benefit from high performing lighting solutions at a price comparable to conventional products. Energy Trust will award the top three participating distributors who deliver the most energy savings through the instant discounts offer. This applies to Business Lighting instant discount projects only.

New Trade Ally of the Year 

Energy Trust Business Lighting will also highlight the trade ally who brought in the most lighting projects out of all trade allies who enrolled in 2022. This award is intended to encourage new trade allies to develop a firm understanding of program requirements while providing high quality service. To receive the award, the top performing new trade ally must have enrolled in 2022 and brought in the most standard track projects in 2023 (first year of participation).

General Award Requirements

All allies selected for awards must meet the following criteria, in addition to the specific award criteria listed above:

  • Approved/enrolled Business Lighting trade ally for 2023 program year
  • No unresolved customer or program staff complaints (Energy Trust or program staff)
  • Those on suspension will not be considered

If you have questions about the 2023 Trade Ally Awards criteria, please contact the Business Lighting team at 1.800.326.2917 or