
Insider goes bi-monthly

Energy Trust mailed the very first bi-monthly Insider newsletter in March 2005, intending it as a way to inform our growing network of trade allies about incentives and opportunities. Since then, Insider has undergone many format and scheduling changes, first becoming a static email, then going monthly instead of bi-monthly, and finally being integrated into our trade ally web pages. Despite these changes, Insider has remained a primary communications resource for trade allies.

For the past few years, Energy Trust has increasingly relied on multiple communication channels for trade allies. We have increased the number of regional outreach and account managers who communicate directly with their local trade allies, quickly answer questions and provide updates tailored to their local audiences. This has resulted in a diminished need to collect information into a central, monthly newsletter. Starting in July 2018, Insider will return to a bi-monthly schedule to better reflect the current volume of articles and updates. This change will also give staff who work on Insider more time to plan and draft content.

Trade allies can still expect to see formal announcements via Insider every two months, with more frequent updates during the year-end incentive change cycle. Insider articles will still be posted as an online resource for trade allies. Urgent announcements that fall outside the bi-monthly schedule will be posted online as needed, and trade allies will receive an email alert in those situations.

We welcome your feedback about Insider or other resources for trade allies. Please send feedback or suggestions to your trade ally coordinator, or Tom Beverly, Energy Trust trade ally and customer service manager.