Existing Multifamily

Free walkthrough surveys identify multifamily energy saving opportunities

a chart of a walkthrough survey reportEnergy Trust provides free walkthrough surveys to multifamily customers to identify opportunities for energy-efficient upgrades that qualify for cash incentives. Once complete, a detailed report will be provided with annual savings potential and projected savings estimates over five years.

Walkthrough surveys pinpoint energy-saving opportunities and cash incentives for standard and custom projects. Custom incentives can cover up to 60 percent of the project cost and are paid based on estimated savings. Examples of custom upgrades include variable speed exhaust fans, HVAC system balancing, controls, domestic water booster bumps and variable refrigerant flow systems.

To get started, direct your customer to fill out our enrollment agreement. An Energy Trust representative will then contact the customer to schedule a walkthrough survey.

For more information on walkthrough surveys and custom incentives, contact Nate Collins, trade ally coordinator, at 503.278.3075.