New direct installation incentive for LED bulbs; CFL direct installation incentives discontinued on April 1

Effective January 1, 2015, the trade ally direct installation program now includes LED bulbs on the qualified product list. Trade allies enrolled in the direct installation program can now purchase LED bulbs, install them in customers’ homes and apply for an incentive from Energy Trust. This is the first step in transitioning from CFLs to LEDs in the trade ally direct installation program.

As of April 1, 2015, only LED bulbs will be approved for reimbursement. Participating trade allies can install remaining CFL inventory and receive an incentive from Energy Trust through March 31, 2015.

Ecotone Products is the approved vendor for the trade ally direct installation program. Contact Ecotone Products at 503.907.2900 to order LED bulbs.

For more information about participating in the trade ally direct installation program, contact the Existing Homes trade ally team to learn about the next enrollment opportunity.