Energy Trust is pleased to welcome Jocelyn Brink and Austin Alvey Aguilera to the account management team. Their responsibilities will include outreach and support for customers and trade allies.
Jocelyn Brink, based in Portland, will manage grocery and retail sectors, while also assisting public K-12 schools. Jocelyn joins us from the East Coast where she supported Midstream, Lighting and Appliance programs for Pepco Holdings and Baltimore Gas and Electric. Jocelyn’s wealth of experience and dynamic skillset will drive exceptional support to Existing Buildings customers.
Austin Alvey Aguilera, based in Corvallis, will support customers in Regions 1 and 5; including the cities of Corvallis, Albany, Lincoln City and Newport, along with Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties. He joins us after years of experience performing and delivering energy audits for the Department of Energy; similar to Energy Trust’s Technical Analysis Studies.
You can reach Jocelyn Brink, account manager, at 971.413.8374, and Austin Alvey Aguilera, regional account manager, at 971.413.8228.