Existing Multifamily

Oregon Department of Energy tax credits for ductless heat pumps

BEM_ODoE_DHP_1611.jpgTax credits are available for qualifying multifamily properties installing inverter driven ductless heat pumps as the primary HVAC system. Eligible projects must have qualified costs of less than $20,000 and meet certain requirements. Approximately $2 million in tax credits are available for these projects on a first-come, first-served basis. The tax credit allows for $1,180 per ton with a maximum of $7,000.

The application and additional information about this opportunity are available here. The deadline is June 30, 2017.

For specific questions about Oregon Department of Energy tax credits available for small premium projects, email energy.incentives@Oregon.gov or contact Nate Collins, trade ally coordinator, at 503.278.3075.