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Existing Homes 2017 business development fund reimbursements due January 5, 2018

Woman standing in her living room talking to a trade ally contractor.The deadline for 2017 business development fund reimbursement is quickly approaching. All invoices must be received by January 5, 2018 to receive reimbursement from the Existing Homes business development fund. You can submit invoices and final scans by email or fax them to 1.866.516.7592.

All cooperative marketing or training reimbursements must receive pre-approval, and invoices must be submitted within 15 days of the date on the invoice. Review the Business Development Fund guidelines for more information.

If you are unable to meet the deadline of January 5, 2018, call 1.866.365.3526, option 4, by December 29, 2017, to arrange an alternate reimbursement solution.