Network News

Trade ally survey on languages spoken

As part of our efforts to reach more diverse customers who have not been served as well in the past, Energy Trust is reaching out to our trade allies to learn more about your ability to serve customers who speak a language other than English. Please take a few moments to complete this short survey and tell us about the demographics of your business and whether your staff is equipped to offer services to those customers. This information will help us better understand the diversity of our trade ally network and identify gaps or opportunities within the network. The Find a Contractor site will be updated to allow users to search for additional languages spoken by company. The demographics information will be kept confidential and not be shared publicly.  

There are a few additional questions to learn from those serving customers who speak Spanish as their primary language. This information will help us determine how we can best support Spanish-speaking trade allies and customers going forward.  

This survey typically takes less than five minutes to complete. All respondents will be entered into a drawing to win $100. 

Please contact Ashley Prentice with any questions, or if you have multiple office locations, and we are happy to update your other accounts.