Residential SW Washington

Enroll in Existing Homes instant incentives to lower customers’ upfront costs

Energy Trust instant incentives make it easier for customers to fit energy-efficiency improvements into their budgets by reducing upfront costs. Instead of a cash-back incentive for customers, three-star Existing Homes trade allies can provide an instant incentive as an immediate discount off your customer’s invoice. Energy Trust will then send you the incentive check in 4-6 weeks. Instant incentives are available for insulation, windows, water heating and heating systems. They can be combined with the multiple upgrade incentive and seasonal bonuses.

To begin offering instant incentives for your customers, register for the orientation webinar on Tuesday, April 21, from 9 to 10 a.m. Please note that only trade allies who have a three-star rating may enroll to offer instant incentives. Trade allies must have two staff members attend this orientation to be enrolled in instant incentives, including one decision maker and one administrative lead.

If you have questions about instant incentives or your current star rating, contact the Existing Homes Trade Ally Team at 1.866.365.3526.