Existing Buildings

How to receive custom incentives

If energy-efficiency equipment is not included in Existing Buildings Standard Incentives for Oregon or Washington, it may still be eligible for Energy Trust incentives through the custom process. Projects eligible for custom incentives are typically larger and more complex, and require a technical analysis or other technical assistance in the project design process.

Receiving incentives for a custom project typically includes the following steps:

  • Analysis. A technical analysis of potential energy-savings is obtained and provided to Energy Trust.
  • Review. Energy Trust technical staff reviews the analysis to ensure that savings estimates appear reasonable and potential upgrades meet cost-effectiveness criteria.
  • Offer. Energy Trust provides a cash incentive offer for qualifying upgrades to be paid upon completion. This is pre-approval for custom incentives.
  • Installation. The trade ally installs the upgrades and provides final paid invoices and other documentation to verify that the project is complete.
  • Payment. Energy Trust reviews the documentation and, if it is complete and acceptable, provides a custom project incentive check. In some cases, a post-installation verification may be required.

All equipment purchases must receive pre-approval from Energy Trust to qualify for custom incentives. An Energy Trust representative will work with you through each step of the process.

For more information about custom incentives, contact Existing Buildings at 1.866.605.1676.