Existing Buildings

My Business attracts traffic from interested businesses

The My Business campaign had a great run, ending in November, and we wanted to share some of the high-level results:My_Business_Graphic

  • 25,000—Visitors to www.energytrust.org/mybusiness to find out about energy-efficient lighting for business.
  • 3:37 minutes—Average time spent exploring the ally directory, viewing success stories and watching the TV spot.
  • 660—Potential customers who searched the trade ally directory during their web visit.

The trade ally finder, as intended, was the most clicked-on feature of the My Business site. Energy Trust will launch a My Business campaign again next spring, with new features based on feedback from you, to help drive businesses to contact trade allies. You’ll be hearing more about how to join the campaign at the January training and Insider. Have questions now? Email them to mybusiness@energytrust.org.