Existing Multifamily

From duplex to high-rise: Understanding incentives for different property types

Energy Trust’s Existing Multifamily Program serves a variety of multifamily property types, ranging from duplexes to high-rise buildings.

The majority of incentives are available for all multifamily properties, but some incentives are determined based on structure types which may have different levels of energy use – residences with multiple shared walls will use less than residences with one shared wall, for example – and what measures represent the best, cost-effective savings. Examples of incentives that may vary for different structure types are windows, insulation and some heating and water heating upgrades.

The building types for Existing Multifamily are in two categories:

  • duplex, triplex, fourplex and side by side structures (such as townhomes)
  • stacked structures with five or more attached dwelling units.

Incentive requirements can be found on our website and in the incentive brochure and forms.

For more information on incentive eligibility and building configuration, contact Nate Collins, trade ally coordinator, at 503.278.3075.