Effective January 1, 2015, Existing Buildings will update and expand incentives for energy-efficiency measures. Visit the website on January 1, 2015 and attend the Trade Ally Winter Session on February 10, 2015, to learn more details about the changes below.
New Measures
- Roof: R-Value 5 or less upgraded to at least 20
Foodservice measures
- Electric vat fryers
- Electric griddles
- Electric/gas combination ovens
IT/data center measures
- Occupancy sensor plug strips
- Load sensing plug strips
Updated Measure Requirements
- Attic, wall and roof insulation measures for buildings under 50,000 square feet
- HVAC unit heaters: Minimum 90 percent thermal efficiency condensing units qualify
- Radiant heaters: Removing efficiency requirement; all other requirements stay the same
- Tankless water heaters: Office buildings do not qualify.
- Vent hoods: To qualify, both vent hood and makeup air horsepower must total at least 5 horsepower; Available to customers who heat their buildings with fuel from Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural and Cascade Natural Gas
Discontinued measures
Ozone laundry
Grocery night covers
For more information, contact Nick Dreves at 503.568.3324.