Energy Trust offers a $100 incentive for eligible outdoor spa covers.
Here’s how to qualify:
- Outdoor spa cover must be purchased through Energy Trust’s list of participating retailers.
- The spa unit must be located outside and heated with electricity or natural gas from Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural or Cascade Natural Gas.
- A spa cover with air chambers must be at least 2 inches thick at all points.
- A spa cover with a foam core must be at least 3 inches thick at all points.
- Spa cover should be one continuous piece, insulated at a minimum of R-12.
- A folding spa cover must have a hinge insulated at a minimum of R-12.
The incentive can only be used once per site location, unless there are multiple outdoor spas at a site.
Customers in Oregon may take advantage of this great way to save energy by submitting an application to Energy Trust. Mail or fax Form 320HT (Online | PDF) along with the retailer receipt and manufacturer’s slip.