To make sure your commercial and industrial lighting project applications are processed and approved as quickly as possible, double check your paperwork for these requirements:
- In the lighting tool, on the 103L tab, enter the manufacturer name and complete part number for each line
- In the lighting tool, fill in the entire T8 lamp and ballast part numbers
- In the lighting tool, complete every field on the 100L tab
- Provide complete LED spec sheets and QPL listings
- Use the wattages listed on the spec sheets, not the DLC listing
- For custom controls, provide specs and explanation
Energy Trust is here to help. For more information, contact your project coordinator:
- Gwen Lusk at 503.639.8899
- Angeline Sanford at 503.557.7160
- Lisa Hull at 503.559.7379
- Kelly Zillman at 503.380.9781