
Save the date for January residential trade ally forums; all contractors invited

Energy Trust will hold the first of our 2016 trade ally forums the week of January 18-22, in Portland, Medford and Bend. These forums are held biannually instead of quarterly, with more focus on training and specific informational breakouts. The trade ally forums focus on residential information but are open to trade allies participating in all Energy Trust programs.

The January 2016 trade ally forums will include program and incentive updates and will feature Energy Trust staff speaking on the overall energy efficiency landscape, policy decisions, 2016 direction and initiatives, and how all of this may impact trade allies.

Specific dates, topics and locations will be posted to the trade ally Training and Education Calendar by mid-December. You can also find out more about the upcoming forums by visiting the trade ally forum page on the Energy Trust website.

Look for a detailed email invitation and postcard in coming weeks, along with more information in January’s edition of Insider. If you have questions about the trade ally forums or would like to suggest discussion topics, email Tom Beverly, Energy Trust trade ally and customer service manager.