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Portland Home Energy Score Program Live Webinars

JULY 20, 2017 | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
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Learn the latest about the new Portland Home Energy Score program

How is a home energy score calculated and what does it mean?  
How will program requirements impact home sellers? How could a home energy score help your buyers and sellers? How can I find a qualified home energy assessor?
Earth Advantage has developed a city-approved training for real estate professionals to help answer these questions and provide a comprehensive overview of the current program requirements. Join us for this sneak peek webinar to gain insights into how the program is taking shape and the results of the first round of rulemaking.   

The Portland Home Energy Score Program will go into effect on January 1, 2018. The first round of rulemaking was completed by the City of Portland on May 1, 2017 and all rulemaking will be finalized on September 1, 2017. The ordinance (Portland City Code Chapter 17.108) requires sellers of single-family homes to:

  • Obtain a home energy report, including a home energy score, from a licensed home energy assessor;
  • Disclose the score and report prior to listing a home publicly for sale in Portland on or after January 1, 2018.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the relevance of energy efficiency to home buyers
  • Find out how the Portland Home Energy Score Program will work
  • Understand what makes an above- or below-average score
  • Learn how to describe the score to buyers/sellers
  • Gain resources and info to support and best serve your clients

Future updates

Earth Advantage will offer an updated online course once rulemaking is finalized on September 1, 2017 to ensure the real estate market has consistent access to the most up-to-date information.

Earth Advantage's Portland Home Energy Score program trainings are not required or funded by the City of Portland. 

Interested in hosting a group viewing of our webinars? See Registration Options below.  Interested in hosting a training at your firm or title company? Contact us to gain access to a list of assessor trainers. 

*Training fee has been subsidized thanks to: Enhabit


Date: July 20, 2017


8:30 am - 9:30 am

Cost: Free

Event Category: Design + New Construction, Green/Sustainability



Earth Advantage

Phone: 503.968.7160


Website: View Organizer Website

This is a recurring event

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