2015–2022 Homes Data Set
EPS New Construction
Energy Trust of Oregon’s EPS New Construction offering from the Residential program spotlights the benefits of newly built energy-efficient homes. Energy Trust trade ally verifiers develop an energy simulation model for each home in REM/Rate™ or Ekotrope™ (starting in 2022) following Standard Modeling Protocol Guidelines and additional EPS amendments. Each EPS home receives third-party verification to ensure quality construction and data integrity.
EPS homes employ advanced building features that improve their energy efficiency relative to code-built homes. These features may include:
- High-performance windows and insulation
- Efficient water heating
- Advanced air sealing
- Tightly sealed ductwork
- High-efficiency HVAC equipment
EPS Homes Data Set
Energy Trust is releasing this set to help industry experts and the public understand the types of upgrades program participants made, as well as the performance levels they achieved in above-code residential new construction in Oregon. The data set represents homes built in Oregon between 2015 and 2018 that were modeled against a 2014 Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) baseline, homes built in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 that were modeled against a 2017 ORSC baseline, as well as homes built in 2022 that were modeled against a 2021 ORSC baseline.
2022 Updated Data Set (24,831 homes)
- 2,294 homes from 2015 were modeled against a 2014 ORSC baseline
- 3,035 homes from 2016 were modeled against a 2014 ORSC baseline
- 4,748 homes from 2017 were modeled against a 2014 ORSC baseline
- 1,079 homes from 2018 were modeled against a 2017 ORSC baseline
- 3,562 homes from 2019 were modeled against a 2017 ORSC baseline
- 5,116 homes from 2020 were modeled against an updated 2017 ORSC baseline, with changes to lighting and infiltration, and auxiliary electrical energy consumption (eae) for homes with central heating
- 2,429 homes from 2021 that were modeled against an updated 2017 ORSC baseline, with changes to lighting and infiltration, and auxiliary electrical energy consumption (eae) for homes with central heating
- 2,568 homes from 2022 that were modeled against a 2021 ORSC baseline [new]
This data set omits any private data that can uniquely identify a home.
View the EPS Homes Data Set.
EPS Checklist
The Data Definitions tab of this spreadsheet frequently references an EPS checklist. This general term refers to any form that trade ally verifiers complete within the AXIS database in order to provide required information that could not be derived directly from the energy model. The specific name and contents of the form may change from one year to the next as modeling capabilities and program requirements evolve.
REM/Rate & Ekotrope
REM/Rate and Ekotrope are software applications used for energy modeling that provide verifiers with performance results specific to each EPS home. Verifiers can give their builders an in-depth assessment of the home while it is still under construction, providing a valuable service to their clients.
For more information contact eps@energytrust.org.
This data set represents EPS New Construction data from program years 2015‒2022 for qualified EPS homes built in Oregon. The data set refers to a program year as an “EPS offering cycle” in column K of the data set. The 2015–2017 EPS offering cycles used the 2014 ORSC as the baseline. The 2018-2019 EPS offering cycles used the 2017 ORSC as the baseline. The 2020 and 2021 EPS offering cycles used the 2017 ORSC as the baseline, though it differed from the 2018 and 2019 EPS offering baselines in the following ways to reflect both movement in the market and federal code:
- Lighting changed from an assumption of 100% combined CFL and LEDs to 100% LEDs
- Eae baseline matches federal maximum based on federal requirement to have electronically commutated motors (ECMs) in furnaces
- Infiltration for homes with central heating changed from 6 ACH50 to 4 ACH50, based on field data from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Oregon Residential Energy Code Field Study (June 2020)
- Infiltration for homes with zonal heating changed from 6ACH50 to 0.35 ACH natural to align with code language
The 2022 EPS offering cycle used the 2021 ORSC as the baseline.
These homes meet the quality assurance (QA) requirements of the Residential program’s EPS offering; however, they are not the official system of record for Energy Trust and do not definitively represent the homes that have been recognized by Energy Trust. Furthermore, given the size, complexity and type of data within this resource, this data should not be treated as fully representative of the homes that have come through the Residential program. Energy Trust is in no event liable for damages of any kind incurred or suffered as a result of the use or non-use of the information presented on this webpage or the use of defective or incomplete information. Energy Trust expressly reserves the right to alter, amend or remove data, in whole and in part, without prior notice, or to discontinue publication for a period of time or even completely.