Now seeking applications for Energy Trust’s Net Zero Fellowship

NB_Oct16_Insider_NZFEnergy Trust is seeking proposals from qualified individuals with excellent research capabilities and an interest in advancing net-zero energy buildings in Oregon. The Net Zero Fellowship aims to address potential barriers slowing widespread adoption of net-zero building design and grow the community pursuing net-zero design and construction. Energy Trust may award up to two fellowship grants, not to exceed a combined total of $50,000, to support research over 12 to 18 months.

Fellowships are open to individuals with a well-defined proposal and a demonstrated ability to deliver. Possible topics may include technical research, policy implications, economical benefits, market barriers and community-based net-zero projects. Applicants must demonstrate why their research is important and clearly explain the value of their project for Energy Trust’s customers. Energy Trust will select fellows with input from a committee of advisors experienced in sustainable, high-performance and net-zero-energy buildings.

Applications are due to Energy Trust by January 9, 2017.

Visit to apply and find more information on the application requirements and process.