EPS New Construction

Tankless water heater incentive available for new homes

Energy Trust of Oregon now offers a tankless water heater incentive for new homes which are not otherwise participating in our EPS New Construction offering.

In order to qualify, new homes must be located in Oregon and primarily heat water with natural gas provided by NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas or Avista. Customers must purchase and install a qualifying tankless water heater in a qualifying new home by December 31, 2020. Hybrid and propane water heaters do not qualify.

Builders may be eligible for one of two incentive amounts, depending on the Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) of the tankless water heater.

Equipment TypeRequirementsIncentive Amount
Gas tankless water heaterUEF efficient systems must be 0.81–0.89$200
Gas tankless water heaterUEF efficient systems must be 0.90 or greater$300

Review the tankless water heater incentive form or email us to learn how you can qualify for this new standalone incentive.