Residential SW Washington

Washington State Energy Code updated on July 1, 2016

insider_eh_WA_codeThe Washington State Energy Code was updated on July 1, 2016. Homes permitted on or after this date are required to build to this newly updated code. Reach out to the Southwest Washington New Homes program to access early design assistance to help you meet new code requirements.

The Southwest Washington New Homes program is developing an updated user-defined reference home, pathways and incentives to align with the updated Washington State Energy Code. In 2017, the program will require the new reference home for modeling program homes and pathways. The current incentives will continue to be available through 2016 without changes. There is a grace period for builders through 2016 for new housing starts. Energy Trust will provide updates upon approval of the new pathways and incentives.

For information about design assistance or the 2017 updates, contact the Southwest Washington New Homes team at 1.888.354.2604.