
Webinar kicks off solar marketing training series on January 28

solar_taking_stockTaking Stock: Assessing the Condition of Your Marketing Foundation kicks off the upcoming solar marketing training series on Thursday, January 28th, 2016.  The live webinars will be held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 11 a.m.

This initial training session is designed to help you determine the condition of your solar marketing program, including interactive tools to assess the current status of your company’s marketing program, branding and graphic elements, website and online assets, customer knowledge and profiles, and resources including team, budget and outside assistance.

An increasingly competitive solar marketplace
A recent EnergySage survey highlighted growing competition in the solar marketplace, “most (56 percent) installers facing off against at least 15 competitors.” According to the survey, “the majority of solar installers report their shoppers saw two to three quotes before making a purchase decision, signaling the rise of the increasingly savvy solar shopper.”

These market conditions exist in Oregon as well. In Energy Trust’s recently published report benchmarking Oregon solar soft costs, solar trade allies reported six bids were provided for every one completed residential installation. Installing 100 systems each year, for example, equates to preparing 600 bids.

It is increasingly important to have a process in place to collect customer lead information systematically, respond to leads quickly and  track the lead source to determine the most effective marketing spend.

Marketing program effectiveness and lead tracking are critical factors to remaining competitive in 2016 and beyond. Attend the Taking Stock: Assessing the Condition of Your Marketing Foundation webinar on Thursday, January 28 to learn more.