In order to meet the growing demand for larger business systems, Energy Trust has provided a limited funding allocation to extend the business incentive caps. Effective January 6, 2015, PGE business customers may apply for a flat rate of $0.72/W up to a cap of $499,000 for a project larger than 250 kW. Pacific Power business customers may apply for a flat rate of $0.40/W up to a cap of $200,000 for a project larger than 200 kW. Customers are limited to one application per utility for this new offer.
We have allocated limited incentive funding to these new extended offers. Once the available funding remaining in the allocation is less than the standard business project cap, the offer will expire and the cap will revert to the standard offer (e.g., up to $180,000 for PGE and $80,000 for Pacific Power).
To see how much funding is currently available, please check the weekly incentive status report online at Please contact Jennifer Hall with any questions.