
Spring Trade Ally Forums draw record attendance

In April, Energy Trust held another successful series of Trade Ally Forums in Portland, Medford and Bend. The forums drew record attendance of about 240 attendees total, while Medford and Bend drew more than 60 trade allies, vendors and other industry professionals alone.

The Spring Trade Ally Forums featured Energy Trust’s results in 2016 and 2017 plans. Discussions also included technology trends, tips for assisting low-income customers and updates from residential programs. Speakers included Energy Trust program staff and representatives from local low-income weatherization agencies, utilities, Oregon Department of Energy and Oregon Solar Energy Industries Association. Attendees in Medford also had the opportunity to hear from Executive Director Mike Colgrove.

Energy Trust first hosted the Trade Ally Forums in 2007 as a way to connect with trade allies, gather feedback and provide updates. Initially, the quarterly meetings gathered 20 to 25 trade allies at Energy Trust’s office. Over time, the forums expanded to Southern and Central Oregon and incorporated more content and training opportunities.

Trade Ally Forums are held twice a year for Existing Homes, New Homes, Solar and Multifamily trade allies. If you didn’t have the opportunity to attend the Spring Trade Ally Forums, visit Insider to view the agendas and presentations. The next Trade Ally Forum dates and locations will be announced in Insider this fall.

If you have questions about the Trade Ally Forums, contact Tom Beverly, trade ally and customer service manager.