
Homebuilders provide targeted solar opportunity for customer acquisition

Energy Trust worked with more than 150 trade ally builders last year to construct new energy-efficient, EPSTM homes. EPS homebuilders are eligible for an additional $200 incentive when they include a qualified and verified solar-ready installation during construction of the home. Our solar-ready specifications include labeling requirements that alert the homebuyer to the home’s solar-ready status and offer a marketing opportunity for a solar installer. As solar installation trends continue to rise, time spent creating builder relationships could offer more opportunities for standard solar installations. By establishing a relationship with a homebuilder, working with an electrician and educating the realtor to provide a clear path to solar installation, you are laying the ground to create new leads with future customers.

Across the U.S., builders like Lennar are teaming up with local installers to provide standard solar electric systems in certain neighborhoods. Hear more about the benefits and possibilities of builder-solar integration in this online interview with Solar Power World, Enphase and Lennar Homes.

For a list of EPS homebuilders, visit our trade ally page. To learn more about Energy Trust’s solar offerings for new homes, contact Kendal Hansen at 503.347.0541.