Residential SW Washington

Marketing tip: De-clutter your communications

Want to create attention-getting direct mail, email and advertising in 2015? Start by clearing out the clutter. We’ve all visited electronics stores that bombard us with walls of televisions, each tuned to a different channel. With so much going on, it’s overwhelming and difficult to focus our attention. Customers have the same experience when faced with cluttered marketing materials. Resist the temptation to overload a marketing piece with too many details. Instead, think of it as a hook to create interest and inspire customers to contact you. Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • What is my offer?
  • What key benefits does it provide?
  • What is the one thing I want customers to do now?

To get noticed, and get results, keep it simple and focus your content on the basics: offer benefits and a call to action. Save other details for later when you’re talking with customers by phone or, better yet, meeting with them face-to-face.